An Introduction

We are a group of local writers who love the written and
spoken word in all its forms. We are a friendly bunch who meet each month to share our writing, offer
support and exchange ideas.

We try for a varied programme; sometimes
there’s a mini-workshop, sometimes we have a guest speaker from the world of literature.
Or we have our ever-popular Local Writers’ Nights,
when we read our work to each other.
Why not come along?

Sunday 3 May 2015


Our next meeting is on Friday, 5th June at the Quaker Centre, Downhead Park.

It is a Writer's Evening, so bring your latest work. If you are stuck for a theme, the suggested one for this month is "The Happiest Day".

Don't worry if you haven't got anything, or if you just want to see what our meetings are like.  You can be sure of a warm welcome, and newcomers get in free.

A runner would never think of starting a race without a warm-up. It's the same for writers. Before you work on your latest novel or poem, get a pen and blank sheet of paper, or open a new document on your computer. Set a timer for 10 minutes, and then write anything. Don't think, just write. Even if it's something like "Martin said it would be a good idea to do this, I don't know why..." Pay no attention to punctuation or grammar, the idea is to free your thinking. When the timer goes off, stop, but do not throw what you have written away, because sometimes what starts off as rubbish can contain gems that you can use later.